Wedding, Chanel & Birthdays.

© Hollipops Cakes 2012 - My Dress

My husband and I are renewing our vows next year for our 10th Anniversary.

So this is the only photo of the dress you’ll see until then. It will be an elegant garden wedding, and I get to design the 6 tier masterpiece. I’d imagine that there will be many, many hours of design work, before I even think about making it. I have a rough idea, of how it is going to look, and even what will be on the cake. However I won’t be sharing too much with you at this early stage.

The wedding dress I found in Upwey Bridal & Deb Room – find them in Useful Links. The gorgeous Mel helped me pick out my dress, and who helped me put on 6 others, ordered the Chanel cake for her friend Sanya, who was turning 40. Today I received the best ever compliment from her.

– I wanted to say Thank you so much again for the gorgeous cake, my friend had tears in her eyes when she saw it and has kept the base with the letters..everyone loved it and we all had seconds. I’ve put a pic of the cake on my personal Facebook page and let all my friends know where I had it made. Thanks again xx

© Hollipops Cakes 2012 - Chanel Inspired Cake

I don’t as a rule take compliments well – I don’t know why, but to get such a positive comment about one of my cakes, makes me feel pretty good. In fact I’m chuffed to bits.

I truly loved making this cake, and I am really pleased that it was enjoyed by all.

Keeping on the wedding theme, I will be making a double high 2 tier wedding cake in about 4 weeks, it is simple, classy and elegant. Inside the cake will be a mix of chocolate mud cake, and white chocolate mud cake, with layers of truffle or chocolate ganache. Either way it will smell of chocolate and it will taste lovely.

Tomorrow I start prep on my eldest daughters Rockabilly 50’s cake, she is counting down the days until her party. I am counting down the hours until I have to work on this cake. On that note, my youngest daughter has fallen asleep on my arm – which is making typing a little difficult, so time to stop and put her in bed.

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