As the Sun rises

© Hollipops Cakes 2012 - As the Sun rises

As the Sun rises on an Autumn day, I can feel the change in the air. The days are getting shorter, the mornings are cooler, and the leaves are starting to fall.

I love autumn, I always feel that after Summer, autumn brings a slower pace. I put a blanket on the bed last night as the cool air crept around the bedroom. The birds didn’t wake at 4am, because it was still dark until 6.45am. The way the Sun hangs a little lower in the sky, and not forgetting, most importantly – the colours.

The leaves seem to come into their own this time of year, and before they fall to the ground, mother nature puts on her own little show, with the leaves showing a kaleidoscope of colours. I love the warmth of the colours, and how the sunlight shows through the trees and leaves to give a new meaning to brilliance.

The big question is?

How to translate autumn onto a cake?

Any ideas send on a postcard lol.

Today I have a plan, first to make some chocolate cupcakes. Not for any special reasons, I just love to eat chocolate. And lets face it when it comes to design I always find a little chocolate helps me concentrate. That’s the excuse I’m using, and I’m sticking to it 🙂

I will draw some designs, maybe I’ll go for a walk and collect some leaves to get the colour combination right. I’m just waiting for the oak trees to start changing so that I can take some photos. I think I will start doing a pinboard of different images to get the design aspect right. In fact I may start doing that for all my cakes.

So I have a fairly productive afternoon coming up. Not only I have to come up with the autumn designs, I also have jot down some Mothers Day designs as well, which is coming our way –  Sunday 13th May.

In case you’re wondering where I took the photo, it was a very early walk with my husband around Birdsland Reserve Belgrave – VIC.

© Hollipops Cakes 2012 - Rockabilly cake after the party

And finally ……. The Rockabilly cake for my eldest daughters 50’s theme birthday party yesterday, went down very well!

Out of 3 tiers of chocolate truffle torte, this was all that was left after everyone went home.

Nothing like seeing a cake cut up, and lots of empty plates – well apart from the crumbs.

Best get into the kitchen to start the chocolate cupcakes, with a bit of gold sparkle I think.

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